Mogan Gran Canaria : The most picturesque town with a nice beach

The beach of Mogan Gran Canaria is located in south of the island of Gran Canaria and has many different types of sand and rocks of different shapes and sizes all along the coast. This beach is the youngest of the island. Its structure gives it a special character and appeal. Originally, it had a combination of yellow sand and black pebbles, and was open to the currents from the east. It couldn’t keep the sand on the coast all the time, so the Mogan city council designed a major project to completely change this. Today, the beach has yellow sand which is thicker than the sand of Playa del Ingles. It easily sticks to the skin , but it is easy to clean off when one is leaving the beach.

Mogan beach in Gran Canaria

The locals who live in this town love their natural resources and take care of them, so that every year millions of tourists can come and enjoy them, especially the beach.

Mogan Gran Canaria beach

The Mogan Gran Canaria beach is 200 meters long and has a nice promenade by it from which you can see beautiful sunsets, or sunrises, if you get up early. It is a great way to start your day.

Mogan beach in Gran Canaria

There are dozens of restaurants where you can try the local cuisine. You can try the different types of fish like albacore, tuna or swordfish and the smaller ones, like the vieja, bream or sardines. You can actually see the fish when you peep in the water! Restaurants that serve international food are also there, because tourists from many different countries visit this lovely town every year.

Fish swimming in the Mogan harbour, Gran Canaria

If you really want to find the best gift to give your friends and family after your holidays, here you will find all kinds of souvenirs and local products with a high traditional value as clothing, handicrafts, and some typical food products such as mangoes brought from the nearby ravine of Veneguera, Canarian mojo (this tasty sauce can be red, green or spicy), and the “dulce de papaya,” which is a type of jam made of cooked papaya with sugar. This can be also used to make canapés with Canarian cheese or bacon and dates.

Picturesque houses of Mogan in Gran Canaria

Playa de Mogan Gran Canaria has a big variety of sports activities for tourists. Most of these are located in the marina, where one can rent a boat, jet skis, go diving with proper teachers and modern boats, parasailing hooked to motorboats, etc.

The best part of Mogan Gran Canaria is the romantic setting of the town located inside the marina, also known as “Little Venice,” which is the ideal place to find peace and serenity. Here you will find picturesque houses, which are what many people come to see. The gardens that adorn the walls of the houses are worth seeing. Highly recommended!!!

Hanging gardens in Mogan Gran Canaria

Hanging gardens in Mogan, Gran Canaria

The town has increased its cultural and leisure facilities with a wide variety, among other things due to its marina. A place where you can find all kinds of offers to the visitor as boating, jet ski rentals, diving underwater with modern boats, parasailing hooked to speed boats, etc.. Although the greatest treasure lies in the romantic setting of the 'Little Venice'. Ideal place to find peace and serenity you are looking for the tourist. Surely a poetic space that the visitor finds a fresh and colorful architecture, thanks to the care of the beautiful gardens that adorn the walls of their buildings.

Pleasure boats in Mogan harbour

Tourist waiting for bus in Mogan, Gran Canaria

The Weather Forecast for Mogan:

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