Arucas in Gran Canaria

Arucas in Gran Canaria is a great place to visit for tourists. It is easy to get there, and not too far from the capital, Las Palmas. You can walk around and within a couple of hours go back. This is great for cruise ship passengers.

What to See in Arucas

Undoubtedly, the Church of San Juan Bautista is among the best spots. This church is huge and has an impressive architecture. You can tour inside and see the beautiful stained-glass windows and tall columns. The church is famous for its unique design and is a must-visit place in Arucas.

Arucas Church

Another excellent place to explore in this town is the rum distillery. It is conveniently located right next to the bus station. Did you know that they make delicious rum here? Yes, they do! You can take a guided tour of the distillery and learn how they make the rum. They even let you taste a little bit if you're old enough. It's a fun and educational experience for both kids and adults.

You should visit the Jardín de la Marquesa if you love nature and plants. This is a lovely garden with colourful flowers and tall palm trees. You can take a leisurely walk and enjoy the fresh air. There's even a pond with ducks swimming in it. It's a peaceful and beautiful place to relax and take in the beauty of nature. If you take bus no. 206, tell the driver to give you a shout, one stop before the last one.

Lastly, take the chance to go to the Arucas Municipal Market. It's a lively market where you can find all sorts of fresh fruits, vegetables, and local products. The market is full of colours and smells; you can buy tasty treats like fresh cheese or exotic fruits. It's a great place to experience the local culture and try delicious food.

How to get to Arucas in Gran Canaria

This town is well connected to the capital by road. Blue buses operate all day. The ride takes about 40 minutes, each way. The Arucas bus station is located in the centre of the town.

Tips for Getting to Arucas in Gran Canaria by Bus

  • GC-2 motorway: If you’re going by bus, choose the ones that go on the GC-2 motorway. The views are breathtaking. We recommend lines 206 or 210. Line 234 is a fast bus that makes very few stops.
  • Line 205, which starts from the San Telmo bus station, chooses an alternate road through the Tamaraceite area. This isn’t as fun to watch, so choose the other buses, that take the road by the sea.
  • Sit on the right side, with the sea view.
  • Avoid windows that have publicity stickers on them. This won’t let you enjoy the view.
  • If you’re on a cruise, you can walk from the harbour to Calle Juan Manuel Duran (about 15 minutes away on foot) and take the bus from there.

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