Grand Hotel Residencia: 6 stars service in a 5 stars hotel

The Grand Hotel Residencia is Gran Canaria's best five star hotel and the only hotel on the island that has qualified for the “Leading Hotels of the World”. It is located on a palm grove, near the Maspalomas lighthouse and has 73 rooms and 21 suites. It is a great place to totally disconnect, relax, and recharge your “batteries.” If you’re looking for peace and quiet, it is the right place. Guests get a royal treatment from the outstanding and cheerful staff. The manager can be seen walking around the hotel and talking to guests, which is very rare. Great food. Fresh fruit in your room, everyday. Barbeque twice a week.

Useful tips:

- Take your computer as there is only one public one available near reception

- Visit during off-season, as prices fluctuate dramatically

- For maximum privacy, choose a room with dune view

To check out the latest deals for this hotel, click here. (Opens in a new window)

Bruce Springsteen chose this hotel to stay in, during his 2012 tour.

Hotel details:

Avenida del Oasis 32

Maspalomas 35100

Gran Canaria, Spain

Tel: (34) 928 723 100

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