Cheap Phone Calls: How to Save Lots of Euros While on Holiday in Gran Canaria

If you're on a budget and need really cheap phone calls, there are two ways of saving loads of money. If you need to make calls often, you will need a Yoigo SIM card, which can be bought form the Yoigo stall at the Atlantico Shopping Centre or at the Phone House store in the same centre. If you just need to make one or two calls per day, you don’t need to buy anything, just use a special voice over IP phone number.

Once you’ve bought and activated your Yoigo SIM card, there is a way to make really cheap international phonecalls. These phonecalls are done via IP technology, without installing any software or doing anything special. This works mostly while dialing to landlines. You just have to dial the following:

1) ** (yes, those are two stars)
2) “00” for international access
3) The country code and city code
4) The local phone number

For example, if you want to make a cheap phone call to someone in Manchester, you would dial **0044161XXXXXXX

Here is a list of countries and their cost per minute using this option:

Andorra 5 cents/min
Austria 5 cents/min
Belgium 4.5 cents/min
Bulgaria 8.5 cents/min
Croatia 5 cents/min
Czech Republic 5.50 cents/min
Denmark 4 cents/min
Estonia 5 cents/min
Finland 8.5 cents/min
France 4.5 cents/min
Germany 4 cents/min
Georgia 6.5 cents/min
Gibraltar 8.5 cents/min
Greece 4 cents/min
Holland 4.5 cents/min
Hungary 4 cents/min
Iceland 5 cents/min
Ireland 4 cents/min
Italy 4.5 cents/min
Lithuania 6 cents/min
Malta 5 cents/min
Norway 4 cents/min
Poland 4.5 cents/min
Portugal 4.5 cents/min
Romania 5.5 cents/min
Russian Federation 5.5 cents/min
Sweden 4 cents/min
Ukraine 13.5 cents/min
United Kingdom 4 cents/min

If you don’t want to buy anything, there is another option to make cheap phone calls from Spanish landlines or even phone booths. This option is ideal for people who only need to make a couple of phone calls a day. You just have to dial the following:

1) 902056077
2) 00
3) The country code, and city code
4) The local phone number

The cost of this is only 7 cents per minute for most countries, from Spanish landlines. Connection charge is 15 cents. If you use a Spanish phone booth, the cost is a bit higher, about 16 cents per minute. So if you put 50 cents in, you will be able to speak for roughly two and a half minutes.

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